Three concrete alternative

We say thank you for your donation and we are happy for every new member. Get in contact with us so we can introduce you to our new projects.

Ihre Zuwendung hilft Kinder indem sie selbstsicherheit bei Mathematik gewinnen.


Unser Leitspruch lautet: Gemeinsam für eine clevere Welt. Weil wir zusammen mehr erreichen können als alle alleine.

Why supporting

Education is the most valuable good. It is the goal of the schoolinmypocket association, to make education available for as many children as possible. Together we can achieve much more that one by itself. Decide now, how you want to contribute to the education for children. It is good for us to know, that our efforts can give children a self-determined and happy future.

Be part of the projects from schoolinmypocket and learn more about them with your donation.

With our current project we support 120 children from the age of 8 to 10 year.
With schoolinmypocket children gain competencies in mental arithmetics and get more sureness and self-confidence. We provide tablets fort he children so they have direct access to the app. So practicing becomes playful learning.
As a side effect, the competence in handling digital media is also trained. The devices are protected by a special configuration and software, so the children are always save when practicing with the app. Please contact us if you want to learn more about the possibilities to protect your smartphone or tablet.

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